About Us
The Major Appliance Recycling Roundtable (MARR) is a not-for-profit stewardship agency created to implement and operate a stewardship plan for end-of-life major household appliances in the province of British Columbia (BC) on behalf of the major appliance "producers" who are obligated under the BC Recycling Regulation. The stewardship plan is approved by the Board of Directors.
The MARR Board is comprised of the following Directors:
Samsung Electronics Canada Inc.MEAGAN HATCH
Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers Canada (AHAM Canada)KIMBERLEE JOHNSON
Danby AppliancesGRANT GARRARD
The Home Depot CanadaJENNIFER BARR
Best Buy CanadaGREG WILSON
Retail Council of CanadaJULIE YAN
Hudson’s Bay Company
Stewardship Plan 2022
The MARR stewardship plan received the approval of BC's Ministry of Environment on June 29, 2012, and today is the only approved stewardship plan for major appliances in the province. The MARR plan is focused on enhancing the performance and transparency of the existing market-based system of collecting and recycling major household appliances in BC.
The revised plan was submitted to the Ministry of Environment in June of 2022 and is awaiting approval. A copy of the revised plan can be found here: MARR Stewardship Plan 2022.