Local Govt. Advisory Council
The Major Appliance Recycling Roundtable (MARR) has formed the MARR-Local Government Advisory Council (MARR-LGAC) to provide the opportunity for local governments to communicate with MARR concerning the diversion and recycling of major appliances in the province of British Columbia. The MARR-LGAC provides a forum for local governments to provide their unique perspective and advice to MARR, and for MARR to better understand municipal and regional needs, capabilities and capacities. The MARR-LGAC provides advice, information, and recommendations to the MARR Board of Directors and/or Committees of the Board.
The MARR-LGAC is composed of a minimum of five and a maximum of seven local government representatives, including representatives from Regional Districts and/or Municipalities in BC. The local government representatives reflect both rural and metropolitan areas as well as the different geographic areas of British Columbia (such as but not limited to, Northern BC, Coastal BC, Interior BC, Vancouver Island and the Lower mainland).
View the MARR-LGAC Terms of Reference.
Please contact MARR for more information.
Previous meeting minutes: